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PRP Vampire Facial


Our blood contains red blood cells (Plasma), white blood cells (Leukocytes), Platelets, and many other components. The use of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), which is a form of bio-stimulator, is a safe rejuvenation technique that creates a long-lasting rejuvenating effect with natural-looking results.

The extraction of PRP from the blood requires the following 3 easy steps:

  • Drown the blood from the vein
  • Separate the plasma containing Rich of the Platelet from other components of blood by centrifuge.
  • Draw the PRP from the PRP tube

The concentration of platelets in PRP is at least 5-fold of the concentration of platelets in the entire blood.

Indication for PRP Tratment in aesthetics

​​PRP is a highly effective method of treatment for wrinkles, ageing signs, acne scars, stretch marks, and most importantly hair loss, especially for women. This is a safe treatment method for all skin types and tones.

PRP can be absorbed by the skin through multiple microscopic wounds induced via Microneedling procedure by Vampire Facial, or through injection into the folds or scalp.

Micro-needling is a minimally invasive procedure for rejuvenating the skin using a device with many fine needles, which induce tiny punctures in the superficial layer of the skin and then stimulates Collagen and Elastin synthesis. The platelets in PRP secrete many factors, including fibroblast growth factor, vascular endothelial growth factors, and many others, which have a significant role in the formation of new vessels, collagen, elastin and then skin rejuvenation.

Improvement in skin texture is noticeable within 3 weeks, and full results require 3 months. Up to 3 treatments can be done within a 3-4 weeks span. Advanced wrinkling and severe scarring may not respond completely to PRP treatment. Hence, the combination of PRP with other treatments such as Botox and Filler injections may be needed.

Touch-up treatments twice a year will maintain the results.

Contradictions for PRP in Aesthetics

  • Sepsis
  • Any type of blood cancer
  • Skin cancer in the treatment area
  • Chemotherapy
  • Platelet dysfunction
  • Thrombocytopenia
  • Acute and chronic infections
  • Hepatitis or HIV infection
  • Chronic liver disease.
  • Anti-coagulation therapy (warfarin, heparin)
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus
  • Heavy nicotine, drug and alcohol consumption
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding​​

Are there any side effects?

The most common side effects of PRP treatment are an infection, skin discoloration, bruising and pain, which are mostly temporary and will be improved within a few days. Smoking and alcohol consumption decrease the PRP results since they allow for fewer stem cells to be released. Using anti-inflammatory medications will decrease the inflammatory response, and hence, fewer results.

Book your Free Consultation Here!
